As I was nursing and rocking Molly at bedtime tonight, I kept getting this whiff of some familiar scent. I thought, "What is that smell???" I knew I had smelled it before, but just couldn't put my finger on exactly what it was. Finally, it hit me: CILANTRO! Why, you ask, did my baby smell like cilantro? Well, since the weather here has been so amazing lately, we've been drying the laundry on a rack on the back deck. It always smells so nice and the sun is amazing at getting stains out of baby clothes and diapers. Well, apparently the wind had blown Molly's pajamas off the rack and onto our planter of cilantro and dill. I was amazed at how strong the scent was and how long it had lasted. This was hours later! Well, perhaps it will help Molly appreciate tex-mex as much as her parents. Although that's probably already ingrained: I was just reading on one of my
favorite food blogs that some people are genetically predisposed to like the stuff while others are predisposed to associate the taste of cilantro with soap. But, if Molly's anything like her mama, she'll put the stuff on anything she can. However, sleeping in it couldn't hurt either ;-)

Here's Molly helping out with our "garden".
Don't you just want to squeeze those marshmallowy legs?!?!