I’ve been steadily preparing my body for the rigors of pregnancy, labor, and birth in many ways. Everything from prenatal yoga to pelvic tilts, squats, and, of course, Kegal
s have found their way into my daily routines. I’ve been walking about 4 miles each day and practicing all the relaxation exercises we learned in our Bradley childbirth class.
I’ve also been preparing my mind for labor and birth by reading everything I can about natural childbirth, relaxation techniques and the ins and outs of the entire process. Eric and I have even done several labor rehearsals where we practice timing contractions and dealing with possible contingencies.
Last, but certainly not least, I’ve prepared my spirit for this entire process. I’ve spent a lot of time praying over the little tiny girl growing and dancing inside me. I have a sense of peace about the labor, birth, and our journey into parenthood because I know that it’s all in the Lord’s hands.
Well, I’ve run into a little problem with my obsession with preparedness. That is that I’m over-prepared WAY too early!!! Every last essential item (and a lot of non-essential items) has been purchased, unwrapped, washed and found a place in the nursery. Not only are all the newborn clothes washed, folded, and put away, but I’ve even purchased and organized clothes all the way up through the 24 month size! Every book has been read. Every relaxation technique has been practiced again and again. I’v

At 35 weeks, Molly probably weighs about 5 lbs. and is about 18 inches long, although the midwife is convinced she’s longer. My uterus is measuring one week ahead of gestation in length because Molly’s taking up so much space. Her head is crammed all the way down into my pelvis but her little tiny tushie has found its way right up under my ribs, which puts her feet right in my stomach on a regular basis. If the midwife is right, we may be in for a tall girl who takes after her Poppy Schillinger. Her physical development (liver, lungs, kidneys, etc.) is complete. Most of her time now will just be spent putting on weight and adding folds and neurons to her developing brain, a process that will continue throughout the toddler years. Sounds like you’re done cooking to me, Miss Molly. Whenever you’re ready to meet your family, we’re prepared for you…perhaps over-prepared :-)
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