Today's Birth Center appointment brought some good news, as well as a bit of frustrating news. Good news first: Molly and Mommy are both still strong and healthy. My blood pressure is still in great shape and my uterus is measuring perfectly at 40cm. Molly's heartbeat is holding steady at 150 bpm and she's still impressing the Birth Center staff with her constant "belly dancing". There are always some kicking feet and jabbing fists at every appointment. In other good news, my cervix is completely soft and 1 cm dilated. In other words, my body is completely prepared for labor. The best news of the day was that Molly is no longer in the Occiput Posterior (OP) position, or sunny-side up. All of my pelvic tilts have paid off and she's once again turned so her back and butt are facing out (Occiput Anterior or OA). This will save a LOT of time and pain for both of us when labor does begin. Praise God!!!
Now the bad news: Molly does not appear the least bit interested in seeking an exit out of her watery home. She is still "floating" high and to the right. Her head has not dropped or "engaged" in my pelvis. Also, because she's settled so far to the right, she has tilted my entire uterus so that my cervix is pushed way over to the left and is no longer aligned with my pelvis and birth canal. Ah, this stubborn little girl. She has chosen a favorite place to hang out and doesn't seem too inclined to give it up. So we've added some new activities to our daily regimen of walking, pelvic tilts, and deep squats. We're also now going to try a midwifery technique called "belly binding" where a sheet is tied around my belly to try and align Molly's body with my spine. While my belly is bound, we'll also try some new exercises on the birthing ball. And if all else fails, extra spicy chicken fajitas are on the menu for dinner tonight :-)
In the end, it really is just a waiting game and Molly's in charge of the rule book. She knows when she's ready. Perhaps she justs need a little more growing time or maybe her lungs need to mature a bit more. Who knows? It's between Molly and God. The rest of us just get to wait and see.
(Eric got tired of waiting around to hold his baby girl so he settled for holding his other favorite girl!)
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