The daffodils have bloomed. The trees are budding. Crisp mornings lead the way into sunny afternoons. It can all only mean one thing: yard sale season is upon us!!! When spring cleaning reveals that closets have collected too much junk through the long, cold winter, Americans take part in one of our favorite pastimes...selling our junk to our friends and neighbors. As the saying goes, "One man's trash is another man's treasure".

I don't own enough "stuff" to play the role of seller, but becoming a parent has given me lots of practice playing the role of "buyer". Yesterday was the annual Alamance Mommies yard sale where several area moms get together and sell their maternity and baby clothes, car seats, strollers, toys and lots of other baby-related paraphenalia. Since Molly has recently been getting bored with the same old toys she's been playing with for months, I trekked out at 7am in search of some new and exciting play gear and found some great stuff, all for only $1-$2 each. Molly definitely approves and has been having a blast with her new toys!
I also found some great hand-made hairbows that actually stay attached to the thin hair on Molly's bald head! Maybe now we'll get less "What a cute little boy" comments when we're out in public! No matter how much pink or purple she's wearing, some people still think she's a boy.
What a happy little girl!! I love the picture where she is grabbing the blocks.