I feel like I was just writing Molly's 10 month post, but here we are at 11 months old. She is currently 16 lb. 1 oz. and 26.5 inches long (3rd and 5th percentiles, respectively). Her doctor reassured us that we have nothing to worry about, though. She's probably just destined to be a petite little chica, fitting perfectly into the Frank branch of my family tree. But being pint-sized hasn't stopped her from becoming a real spit-fire who loves to get into EVERYTHING. Don't believe me? Check out the evidence:
She loves to crawl, cruise, and climb her way all around the house, exploring every nook and cranny. Sometimes that gets her stuck in some pretty tight places that she needs a little help getting out of.

She looks like a criminal waiting to post bail.
One day, I turned my back on her for a few minutes to get her lunch ready and when I turned back around, she had completely disappeared. After checking her usual hangouts (bathroom, nursery, office) I found her crawling BEHIND the couch in this itty-bitty, skinny space, trying to see out of the window. I helped her out a little bit by pulling out the couch so she could stand up. Adventurous one, aye?

The bathroom is probably Molly's favorite room in the house, mostly because there's a LOT to get into. Since she is my shadow and follows me all over the house, that includes the bathroom at least a few times a day. And the first thing she always goes for is the toilet paper. She's very quick and can have a decent pile on the floor before I have a chance to stop her.

Caught red-handed.
Another one of Molly's new favorite activities is opening and closing doors. She'll crawl to every door in the house and spend at least a few minutes opening and closing each one, although she gets a little frustrated when she pushes it far enough to latch and finds herself stuck once again. I think we'll be in real trouble when she's tall enough to reach the door knobs and locks.
Another new development this month is eating chunky food and table food, especially now that she has FIVE(!) teeth (3 top and 2 bottom). Molly loves to feed herself chunks of bananas, soft pieces of fruit, Cheerios, and strips of toast with tahini spread. Another favorite activity is begging like a little puppy when Mommy or Daddy is trying to eat a meal or snack. I've been trying to eat more baby-friendly food (cheese, bread, soft fruits and vegetables, cereal, etc.) just so I can give her pieces of table food while I'm eating. Otherwise, I'd never make it through a meal or snack.

As you can tell from my last post, reading is a big part of our day. Molly loves all of her books and spends a lot of time flipping through them, even when we're not reading together. One of her favorite reading spots is by the stained glass window where the sun streams in during the afternoon. These are some of my favorite pictures of her, enjoying her "Personal Penguin" book. Isn't she just adorable?

We have many exciting blog posts coming up (our beach trip, 1st birthday party, etc.) so stay tuned for more Frueh family fun in the next few weeks and months.
I love reading your post. MoJo What a great nickname. ~Tracey