As promised in my last post, I have LOTS of great pictures from the month of September. All the pictures taken over Labor Day weekend were taken by Eric's mom and dad with their fabulous camera. We were going to get professional 1-year-old pictures taken, but these all turned out so great that we never did. I have over 350 pictures from the last month, but these are just a few of my favorites:

We all went to see a Durham Bulls game.
I love this moment that Jeri captured between Molly and her Pop.
It looks like she trying really hard to figure out this crazy game of baseball.
Molly loves her Camelbak water bottle. We've tried every kind of sippy cup and straw-cup imaginable, but the only thing she'll drink out of is my Camelbak. So we got her a few of her own.

We also spent a day at Duke Gardens. It was a beautiful late summer day. Breezy, not too hot, and the gardens are just gorgeous!
Two lovely ladies: Molly and her GG.

We also tried out the newest and greatest addition to Alamance County, a little place called The Sneauxball Effect. They make authentic New Orleans snowballs. If you've never had one, you're missing out on a great treat! If you're ever in New Orleans (or Graham, NC), try one. You won't be disappointed.
Molly enjoyed a "Georgia Peach and Cream" with her GG.
Molly has been such a silly girl lately. She laughs hysterically at the funniest things. Here we were just trying to get a picture of her in front of these pretty purple flowers. I was playing peek-a-boo behind Eric to try and coax a smile out of her and here's the result. I'm in love with her laugh, especially the deep belly laugh she has when she's completely lost in silliness. It's one of the greatest sounds in the world!!!
With September comes FOOTBALL SEASON!!!!!!!! Can you tell that Molly and I are excited? The funny thing is that she wore this same exact outfit for the opening of Steeler's season LAST year! Granted it was quite huge on her then, but it fits her perfectly now since she's still in mostly 9-month clothes. Thanks for the outfit, GG and Pop!
And of course, we had to get a picture of the "newbie" in his/her Steeler's gear :) So here's our little 19-week old bean sporting a Bettis jersey. Since we aren't finding out the gender and we still haven't picked any names, Baby Frueh #2 has been officially dubbed as "Newbie". It's funny how different this pregnancy is. This is the first official belly shot we've taken! When you're chasing around a 1-year-old, you forget about the one in the oven :)
Another new development this month were Molly's first steps. She's still very tentative and has only taken a few steps at a time. The most she's taken has been 4 in a row. She finds crawling much safer and easier. If the distance is anything more than an arm's reach, she'll just resort to crawling. We didn't capture anything on video, but these pictures were as close as we could get.
And, now that's it's offically October and there's a fall chill in the air, I thought we'd end with a season-appropriate picture. We've already broken out the Halloween gear and tonight was Molly's first night in her new PJs. (Excuse the weird look on her face. It was bedtime and she wasn't in the mood to pose for pictures. She was ready for bed!)
Very cute baby bump. I hope you are feeling well! What great pictures of miss Molly.