On February 22nd at 10:42am, we welcomed the newest member of the Frueh family into this world, Ian Zachariah Frueh. We were all surprised, but thrilled that our "Newbie" was a boy! Eric and I, both GG AND Grandma Schillinger, and most of our friends were predicting another little girl. But we were all wrong. Ian surprised us all by being a boy, and a big strapping boy at that. He weighed in at 9lbs. 3oz. and was 20.75 inches long at birth. He is an absolutely wonderful baby. He loves to sleep and snuggle and barely makes a peep. He's just so mellow and calm. If he needs something, he'll let you know in his own quiet way, but for the most part, he just likes to chill out (very different from his older sister, Molly). 
His birth story is a little longer and more complicated than Molly's was, so we'll save that for a different post, but despite the difficult journey, he made it here safe and sound and absolutely perfect. As you can tell here, Eric is incredibly tired, but also incredibly proud of his little boy.
BIG stretch!
Proud GG (two times over).
Molly has had a bit of an adjustment period to being a big sister, but she absolutely LOVES her little brother. She likes to give him kisses, pet his silky hair, and bounce him gently in his bouncy seat. A favorite time to give kisses to Baby Ian is right after her bath, when she should be getting ready for bed, but running around naked and kissing her baby brother are much more fun!
I'll leave you with a look at the most precious and peaceful little boy's face in the world. This is the sleepy look we see on his face for 95% of the day. I should be taking advantage of all this sleepy time to catch up on sleep myself. But I just can't bring myself to secluding myself in my room when I now have TWO adorable faces to kiss and TWO beautiful babies to cuddle and love on!