My cravings during this pregnancy have been out of control! The only really intense craving that I remember from my pregnancy with Molly was Andy's cheeseburgers. After not eating red meat for 2 years, all I wanted for the last 8 weeks was greasy Andy's cheeseburgers! (If you're ever in North Carolina, you definitely have to give them a try).
Well, this time, my cravings have been so random and unpredictable that every grocery shopping trip has become quite an adventure. At this moment, I'm indulging my salt craving with some Utz Salt & Vinegar chips...gotta be Salt & Vinegar and gotta be Utz.

My most predictable craving has been for breakfast foods. I could eat breakfast 3 times a day (or more)! The ultimate fulfillment of this craving is the Cracker Barrel Country Sampler: eggs, bacon, ham, hash browns, fried apples, biscuits, and grits. What makes it even more perfect is if I can convince Eric to order pancakes so I can grab a few bites of those as well. Surprisingly, I can eat all of this with no problem, although it helps that Molly steals most of my grits and at least one biscuit.

Along with breakfast, my other predictable craving has been for comfort foods. This week's indulgence came in the form of good old
Chicken & Noodles with
crusty French bread and a tall glass of milk. YUMMY! I got my recipes from the
Pioneer Woman's blog. If you haven't yet discovered this blog, you're definitely missing out. This woman may be the reason that I've already surpassed the level of weight gain that I had with my last pregnancy.
And, of course, what pregnancy-craving blog would be complete without the all-important ice cream. Woe is the day when our freezer is found devoid of ice cream! It's the only thing keeps my nighttime heartburn under control. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Right now, my flavor of choice is white mint chocolate chip. I've experimented with a few other flavors, but this is the one I keep coming back to, which makes Eric happy because he gets to have my flavor rejects.

Well, my chips are gone and the ice cream seems to be calling my name. The time to indulge is now since I only have two more weeks (give or take) where this behavior can be considered excusable. Bon appetit!
Ahhh...I remember your Andy's craving so well. Those are some cheap and yummy burgers!