At 3 months old, our little Ian is a man in motion. The only time he stops moving is when he's sleeping. But when he's awake, it's go-time! About two weeks ago, Ian decided it was about time he started rolling over. In the morning he rolled from his back to his belly and then fell asleep that way. That very same afternoon, he rolled from his belly to his back while playing on the floor---both directions in the same day!!! I tried to tell him to slow down a little. I'm not ready for him to grow up so fast, but he doesn't seem to care. He's just going full-steam ahead. He didn't stop with rolling over. He can now scoot, wiggle, and roll himself all over the place. I remember commenting to Eric while I was pregnant with Ian that we were definitely in for one active little baby. The amount of moving he did in utero was just incredible. I thought Molly was active, but she had nothing on the belly moves her little brother was making!

He started on his back under the play gym and ended up on his belly, scooting his way backwards and out of the side of the playmat!
Here's one of his first attempts at "crawling". I laid him on his back under his toys and went to the kitchen to make dinner. I turned around to find him on his belly, launching himself over the boppy and onto the carpet! And he's not even four months old!

Another new skill Ian has learned is playing with toys. He's really been enjoying the exersaucer lately, as well as his play gym. Because his arms move a-mile-a-minute, he actually ends up hitting most of the buttons on his own. I remember it taking Molly months to get the hang of pushing the buttons hard enough to play the music.
The one skill he hasn't quite grasped yet is how to let go of one toy while playing with another one. He just ends up collecting all of them until I go over and pry one or two of them out of the death-grip he has on all of them.
Another one of Ian's new discoveries is his toes. Now that he's found them, he just LOVES them. They make great pacifiers AND toys. Sometimes he'll just grab onto both feet, kick out his legs, and squeal with excitement!
He's still just the happiest little guy in the world. He smiles easily, laughs heartily, coos and babbles constantly, and is just a delight to be around! I can't imagine life without our sweet boy.
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