I've been trying to hold off until the recommended 6-month mark before starting solids with Ian, but he always seems so interested in what we're eating that I decided starting a few days early would be just fine. Whenever he sees any of us eating, he becomes completely fixated on watching our every move, following the fork with his eyes as it goes from plate to mouth. He's become quite the Hungry Man lately too, nursing every 2 hours around the clock; I was so sure that he'd dive right into solids with voracity. Not exactly. Well, I'll let him share his experience:

"Hey! Look at me! I'm in the big-boy dinner chair! I get the feeling something exciting is happening here."

"No way! Seriously??? Today's the day I get to try out this eating thing I've been obsessing about for like, well, my whole life?!?!"

"Oh yeah. Come to Papa, awesome-looking goop on a spoon."

"BLEGH! What is this stuff?"

"UGH!!! It gets worse the more you let it fester in your mouth. It's all slimy and weird tasting. Where is my sweet, warm, creamy, comforting milk?"

"Oh, yes. See, this is what I think I really wanted. The spoon just looks so cool and it's much better without that other nasty stuff on it."

"Uh, Mom, have you seen this stuff? Just look at it. You can't expect me to eat something that looks like that."

"Waiter, take this away, please. Chop chop."

"On second thought, Waiter, just leave the bowl and spoon. They look like a lot of fun."

"I'll be sticking with toes and milk from now on, thank you very much."
While it wasn't exactly the first-food experience either Ian or I were expecting, I don't think it will be long before he's chowing down. I'm sure the brand new taste and texture are a bit overwhelming at first when all you've known is milk for almost 6 months. So whenever you're ready, Ian, you have a freezer full of peaches, mangoes, peas, carrots, asparagus, and sweet potatoes waiting just for you. What a lucky boy you are to be hitting the 6-month mark at the peak of southern harvest time!