Lilypie Tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, August 1, 2011

Little Miss Chatterbox

As you can see, Molly's word list has been growing every day. She has now surpassed 50 spoken words in her vocabulary and learns at least 2 or 3 new ones everyday. She is also signing a lot more which has broadened her communication skills even more. We just adore hearing her precious little voice chattering all over the house! The words she uses most often are those that directly address her favorite people: "Daddeeeee", "Mama", "Buddy" or "Eeeee" (for Ian), and "Hi". She uses "Hi" interchangeably for hello, goodbye, and goodnight. Her favorite sign right now is probably "gorilla". She beats on her chest with her chubby little fists anytime she sees a picture of any kind of monkey---or a box of granola. She hasn't quite distinguished the subtle differences between those two words, so our box of breakfast granola gets the same enthusiastic, chest-beating reaction as the gorillas in her favorite books.

So, as Molly's vocabulary is developing at a rapidly increasing rate, I won't be adding to her word wall anymore. But it won't be long before we have new milestones to report about Molly. And before you know it, Ian's word wall will be filling up too! It's all going so fast!

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