Lilypie Tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Weeks 36 & 37: Don't Forget Your Swim Trunks!

Well, the time is ticking by, slowly but surely, as we approach our due date(s). Our first ultrasound pinpointed a due date of July 31st and the little magic spinning wheel that the midwife uses points to August 1st, neither of which probably make much difference to little Miss Molly. I think she'll choose to grace us with her presence when she's good and ready, which we hope is soon! My bets are on August 4th since that will mark 5 months from the day I first felt old-wives tale trick to determining the due date. Eric hasn't officially placed any bets yet, but he's HOPING for, well, tomorrow. I think he's more impatient than I am! Any other bets out there? If you bet spot on, we may even be able to scrounge up some kind of prize for you :-)

We're up to weekly visits to the Birth Center now that we're in the homestretch, which will switch to daily visits if we go past 41 weeks. So far, everything's been going perfectly. Weight gain is average (30 lbs.), blood pressure is normal (110/70), Molly's heart rate has been hanging right around 150 bpm and my iron measured at 12.6 (anything above 11 is normal). The midwives always tell me I'm their easiest patient all day. Hopefully, the labor will follow the same pattern!
Eric had the opportunity to attend my birth center appointment today and we got a personal tour of the birthing suites. Each of the suites has a full-size bed, private balcony, private bathroom, birthing tub, rocking chair, changing table, bassinet and lots of "labor-helps" (birthing balls, stereo, candles, etc.). They even have a full kitchen where we can prepare meals for after the birth. They do have all the standard emergency equipment that any labor and delivery room would have, but they keep it all neatly hidden away so it won't make you feel like you're in a hospital. The nurse who was giving us our tour was rattling off a list of items we may want to bring with us (iPod, food, etc.) and she had one specific item that she was adamant that Eric NOT forget: his swim trunks. She said that one dad a few weeks ago did not feel the need to bring his swim trunks and the nurses and midwives were not too pleased about the situation! Of course, they encourage the dads to be in the tub with the mom, but this nurse said she didn't sign up for naked dads when she went into labor and delivery! Swim trunks, CHECK!
Now that we've reached the 37th week, Molly is offically considered to be "full-term", which basically means "all systems are go" for life in the outside world. Her lungs are fully mature, her nervous system is working properly, and her digestive system is ready for its first meal. She probably weighs about 6 1/2 pounds and is about 20 inches long. She'll continue to add fat under her skin until her delivery, but as far as growth and maturing, she's pretty much "done". To keep busy until her big debut, Molly's continuing to practice the skills she'll use daily in the extra-utero world: inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid (to exercise her lungs), sucking her thumb (to practice for feeding), blinking, and pivoting from side to side. I've noticed a pretty consistent activity schedule that tends to fall into a 2-hour cycle, especially at night. Her "belly dancing" tends to wake me at midnight, 2am, 4am, and 6am. We'll see if she keeps that same schedule once she's here on the outside. At least she's consistent.

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