Lilypie Tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 28, 2010

New Look for Spring

As you've probably noticed, my blog has a new look for spring. I've had tons of fun playing around for the last few days here and here, getting new ideas for celebrating the seasons on my blog. Shabby Blogs has so many cute backgrounds and headers. I'm going to have a hard time not changing my backdrop on a weekly basis :-). FotoFlexer is great for customizing headers and add-ons with your photos. I hope all the rest of you blogger novices like me out there have a blast trying out these two gems.

Speaking of a new look for spring, Molly looked so cute all decked out in her "new-to-her" spring jumper and bow for church today. I just couldn't resist grabbing this shot of our "little big girl", as Daddy calls her.


  1. The picture you posted at the bottom of this blog is not showing in my browser for some reason. Does it show up for you?

    I definitely need to work on updating my blog for spring. I'll check out those 2 sites. I have another friend who uses shabbyblogs, and they do have cute stuff. The site I used to make my current header is no longer free, so I needed to find something else.

  2. I can see the picture just fine, but I can't click on it and expand it to see it up-close. It doesn't make sense. I always upload pics the same way and from the same location, yet sometimes I'm able to click on a pic in the blog and it'll expand in a new window. Other times, it won't let me. Uploading pics is my biggest blogger frustration!
