There's not much about the first trimester that I mind leaving behind...nausea, vomiting, exhaustion. I may miss the ability to see my shoes in a few months, but right now I'm just so excited for the second trimester! I'm looking forward to getting my "pregnant look". Sometimes I wonder if people look at me and wonder, "Is she pregnant or is she just getting fat?" It'll be nice to have that unmistakably beautiful pregnant belly. I'm also looking forward to more energy and a larger appetite. But, my list-topper of exciting developments in the second trimester is definitely finding out if we're having a boy or a girl. I'm so tired of saying "he or she" and I can't wait to call the baby by name. I think everything will feel a bit less surreal when our little bambino has a gender and a name. In the meantime, I just pray he/she is enjoying his/her stay in my warm and watery womb and that everything is progressing as it should.
In other news, we enjoyed quite the North Carolina snow storm this week, along with a lovely day off of school. We snatched the opportunity to go for a walk in our own winter wonderland and snap a few memorable photos...Enjoy!