Our baby has more than doubled in size during the past three weeks, weighing in now at 1/2 ounce and measuring about 2.5 inches from crown to rump. About the size of a large fresh plum, Baby Frueh's body is hard at work in the growth and development department. Though most of his or her body systems are fully formed, there's still lots of maturing to do. The digestive system is beginning to practice muscular movements needed for digestion later on (practice makes perfect!); the bone marrow is making white blood cells (to fight off all the germs he/she will enounter in this world); and the pituitary gland has started producing hormones (which will contribute to a bit of strife in 13-14 years!!!)
Movement and reflexes are another big development this week. Our little bambino can open and close fingers, curl toes, clench his/her eye muscles (although the eyes will stay fused shut for quite a while yet), and his/her mouth can make tiny sucking movements...another practice-makes-perfect scenario. Baby Frueh can even squirm in response to prods on Mommy's abdomen, although I probably won't feel the tiny squirms for another 6-8 weeks or so. Finally, Baby Frueh's ears have traveled close to their final positions on the sides of his/her head. Just a few weeks ago, those same cute ears were located down on the neck!!! I, for one, am thankful for that development!

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