The next Frueh Family blog post has now arrived. I've had many people asking when it would come. I guess I did not realize I had so many loyal blog followers! After the lovely respite of Christmas break, my return to school was a rough one to say the least. Baby Frueh did not appreciate the return to a 6am wake-up call and a 4-hour fast between breakfast and lunch. It was back to riding the porcelain bus each morning and night and a diet of toast, bananas and applesauce. My saving grace the past few weeks have been Preggie Pops (thanks Valerie) and these lovely tropical hard candies from Whole Foods (thank you to whoever put those in the workroom!).
However, morning sickness has done nothing to curb the growth of my baby belly, as you can tell. That little bambino has done his/her best to push everything in my previously-flat abdomen up and out as fast as he/she can! I was amazed this week when I looked back at my 6-week belly shot and compared! Notice the unbuttoned jeans...I've officially reached the point where not a single pair of my pants can be buttoned. Enter the best maternity invention I've found...THE BELLA BAND! I wear my bella band with absolutely everything and nobody knows that my pants are unbuttoned (and sometimes even unzipped...shhhh!). It's definitely the newly-pregnant girl's best friend!Thankfully, my rough adjustment back to the school schedule didn't last long and it seems that the first trimester symptoms are FINALLY beginning to taper off. As of today, I have not gotten sick in 5 WHOLE DAYS...a record for me and Baby Frueh! I'm praying the streak continues. My appetite has begun to return and I think I'm finally consuming the recommended 2100 calories per day with nothing being lost. YAY!
Enter...the famous pregnancy food cravings. I haven't had any cravings for weird foods or combinations yet (although I have felt the need for dill cliche, I know). Mostly, I just know exactly what I want when I want it. Case in point: Thursday night Eric and I returned from the grocery store with bags full of wonderful foods...apples, oranges, greek yogurt, oatmeal, bread...all of my typical favorites. Yet, all I wanted was bananas and chocolate milk (We went out last night and got some:-) This morning, I woke up knowing that I wanted a soft-boiled egg on toast. Unfortunately, NC is experiencing the coldest temps in 10 years and the 8 degree weather last night froze our well pump. No soft-boiled egg:-( I settled for Raisin Bran and thanks to the innovation of a very kind neighbor and his space heater, 12 hours later we have water. But now I don't want a soft-boiled egg. I think I'll go make some pasta...

'Til next time...stay warm!
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