Both Eric and I are very excited to have a girl. Coming from a family of all girls, I feel better prepared for parenting a girl. I'm not sure I'd know what to do with a boy! And this will make an even 3-3 split of boy and girl grandchildren for my parents. From Eric's perspective, he's coming from a family of all boys and he's looking forward to something a little different. Plus, there's just something about that Daddy-daughter connection that is so special. AND I can't wait to shop for little pink socks, hair bows, and dresses!

There was one small problem detected during the ultrasound that we're hoping will resolve itself before too long. The doctor found that my placenta is very low and partially covering my cervix, a condition called "placenta previa". A low placenta is detected in about 10% of pregnancies during the 2nd Trimester. The good news is that, in the vast majority of these cases, the placenta moves upward as the uterus grows larger. In all likelihood, that's what is going to happen, but we'll go back for a 30-week ultrasound just to make sure that it has moved up and is no longer covering the cervix. 90% of the time, that's what happens. In the unlikely case that the previa persists into the 3rd Trimester, I could find myself on bedrest for the last month and welcoming our little Molly with a C-section. Fortunately, that's a rare situation, but I'd still appreciate your prayers that my placenta would trek its way up there a bit higher.
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