It's interesting to look at the pieces of a life that are left behind when that life is gone. Uncle Jim's house is filled with interesting trinkets, books, newspaper clippings, and lots of Ralph's dog hair:-) But amongst all of the random bits, we found Uncle Jim's daily life lines, the items that made their way into each day he lived in that cabin: his Bible and his prayer list. As I opened the Bible, I found a list of Uncle Jim's favorite verses, bookmarks in special passages, and devotionals that were meaningful to him. In his little yellow legal pad, I found the prayer list of a man who's faith I can only hope to emulate. Page after page of names...friends, relatives, neighbors, church family...all with specific requests listed next to the names. I could see where he'd added new petitions as time went on. He also recorded in red pen the date and way that each request was answered. What a blessing to find my name and know that, each day, he was praying for my health and spiritual growth!
Yes, a great man of faith has left this Earth and it saddens me greatly that our child will never have the chance to meet their Uncle Jim. They'll never see his perpetually bare feet, never receive a children's book for Christmas or a birthday wrapped in the Sunday comics and signed "Love Uncle Jim", never hear him tell his crazy stories of days gone by, and never hold his hand in prayer. But what a great example he has left for me, even in his death. Here was a man who had plenty of reason to feel lonely and sorry for himself...but he didn't. He, instead, spent his time recording what he was thankful for, praying for the needs of others, poring over God's word, and singing his worship to the Lord...even hours before his death. I can only hope that I can be the same kind of example for our child.

As I was grieving the loss of Uncle Jim this week, our precious bundle chose the perfect opportunity to cheer me up with a few swift kicks! I've been waiting and waiting to feel those first movements and they came just a few days ago. It was definitely the most amazing feeling in the world, and the perfect pick-me-up. I felt a sudden sharp pain in my lower back that lasted for about 15 minutes. Then, all of a sudden, I felt it...something like popcorn popping deep and low in my abdomen. Then, just as suddenly as it came, the pain in my back was gone. I guess our little bambino found a nerve to sit on for a few minutes and then, thankfully, decided to find a new position. Since then, I've been enjoying our little baby's movements several times throughout the day (and night). Right now it kind of feels like someone's giving me a belly massage, but from the inside. I hope his or her movements stay this gentle for the next 20 weeks, but, from what I hear, I fear that may not be the case. Ooooh, there was a bit of swift punch just now...guess I spoke too soon:-)

Since the last post, our baby has grown quite a bit. He/she is now 6 inches long, crown to rump, and weighs over 1/2 pound! The arms and legs are now proportional to the body, which is probably why he/she is making swift use of them to massage Mommy from the inside. Gotta get in those calisthenics each day to build those big muscles. The brain has had quite the workout as well; it is busy specializing areas to process sensory information about sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. And Baby is already processing sensory information that he/she gathers in the womb, such as Mommy and Daddy talking, pokes to the belly, and changes from dim light to bright light.
I thank God every day for the opportunity He is giving us to bring this life into the world and I pray that I would live and love and pray in such a way that our child will see Christ in me the way I saw Christ in Uncle Jim. Give thanks today for the blessings God has given you.
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