A few weeks ago, Molly had the chance to take her first road trip to visit her Pittsburgh family in cold, rainy Pennsylvania. Eric's cousin was getting married and the wedding weekend was a fantastic opportunity for Molly to meet all of her Frueh and Pauli relatives. And, of course, her GG and Pop didn't mind the chance to snuggle their little granddaughter for a few days :-)

Molly was a fantastic road trip baby. Out of a total of 17 hours in the car for the entire trip, she was only awake for about an hour and a half of it. It helped that we traveled at night during her normal sleeping hours. However, she looked quite confused when she fell asleep at home in her bed and then woke up in her carseat in a new strange place.
Four generations all together for the first time as Molly meets her Great-Grammars.

Molly loved spending the week with her GG and Pop. She got lots of cuddles and kisses from her GG, and Pop taught her a new airplane game. We saw many wide bright smiles as he zoomed her around the house.
There were so many new faces to meet, but Molly loved all the new people to snuggle with:
Uncle Jonathan...
Uncle Stephen...
Great-Grandmother Catherine...
Great Aunt Lorrie...
...and Emily. I suppose her given title would be "first-cousin-once-removed", or something like that.
Everyone got to get all dressed up for the wedding. Here the two most beautiful ladies of the house pose for their glamour shots.

Molly got to meet her second cousin, Lillian, at the wedding. Molly and Lillian were born only 3 weeks apart. As it turned out, they wore the exact same dress. And they both had on their little white sweaters and stockings. It seems that the girls didn't mind at all though.
As Molly spent time with her Dad and his brothers, it reminded me of that movie, "Three Men and a Baby", especially when they were all in their suits and she was all decked out in her pink puffy dress :-)
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