With her new ability to grasp anything placed in front of her, Molly tried her hardest to get a sip of Daddy's wine. But it was an all-milk Thanksgiving dinner for her. She'll have to wait until next year for her turkey and mashed potatoes.

Even without the turkey and the wine, Molly passed out on the couch for a nice long nap after dinner. She's really been enjoying her sleep lately with three good naps every day and at least 12 hours of sleep every night.

Molly enjoyed looking at her GG's pink laptop. We may have to get her a pink laptop of her very own someday.

GG and Pop brought Molly a very cool present: an exer-saucer. She's been enjoying discovering what all the knobs and buttons do. She especially loves "singing" into the microphone, which basically means she tries to shove the entire thing into her mouth :-)

Molly loved spending time with her Great-Grandma. Catherine could always get a big, wide smile out of her, no matter what kind of mood she was in.

Yes, we definitely have a lot to be thankful for. I thank God for every day we get to spend with Molly. She is such a joy and we can't imagine life without her.
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