It was one year ago today that Eric and I discovered we were going to be parents! December 2, 2008 started with me losing my breakfast at work and ended with a positive pregnancy test telling us our world was about to change forever. As excited as I was to be pregnant, I could not have imagined a year ago how crazy-in-love I'd be with our little girl. Yes, this past year has been an amazing one! Hearing our baby's heartbeat for the first time, finding out we were having a little girl, watching my baby-bump grow from week to week, feeling our little Molly kick and squirm in my belly, and finally meeting our beautiful little girl after a long night of labor...this year has been filled with amazing moments that I'll never forget. And it all started with two little pink lines telling us that we were soon going to be a family of three. I can't wait to see what the next year will bring to our little family!

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