Lilypie Tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Big Sister

To say that Molly loves being a big sister is a bit of an understatement. She adores her baby brother and showers him with kisses all day long. I'm starting to get a bit jealous. She never offers kisses to me or Eric. If she's leaving one of us for naptime or a trip to the store, she offers a quick bye-bye wave and off she goes, but Ian gets the royal treatment of kiss after kiss, gentle pats on the head, and endless conversations in her "Molly language".

However, she is also a very active toddler that loves to play outside, so Ian spends a fair amount of time chilling in his bouncy seat while Molly burns off energy in the yard. But she never gets too far before she needs to run back and offer another kiss, just to make sure he hasn't forgotten that she's his awesome big sister.

Molly now thinks that, "Let's take a walk" means "Molly gets to push Ian in the stroller." She obviously can't reach the handle, so she pushes him around backwards. We don't get very far, but that's okay. Ian's entertained and as long as I stay nice and close to prevent any spills, no one get's hurt, and Molly feels like a super awesome big sister.

She even invited him in on some swing action, her absolute favorite outdoor activity. (Don't worry--he didn't actually swing with her and I kept a firm hand on him while Daddy snapped the photo ;-)
Molly doesn't quite understand that Ian can't do all the same things she does. You can tell that she really wants him to join in on her daily activities. The other day I discovered her snack cup of goldfish in his seat with him.
And then I saw that she just wanted to share with him. Too cute! She also doesn't quite get that Ian isn't big enough to play with her, but that doesn't stop her from trying! While I was preparing dinner, I looked over to see Ian's swing filled with Molly's toys...AND Ian. She just wanted to make sure that he was thoroughly entertained. Ian could care less about dolls and stuffed animals, but I'm sure listening to his big sister jabber on about her toys while piling them all around him is plenty entertaining.

Where's Ian??? This reminds me of that scene in E.T. where he's hiding in the closet with all the stuffed animals. The little toes sticking up at the bottom just crack me up :-D
One of Molly's absolute FAVORITE things to do is to help change Ian. As soon as I lay him on the changing table, she's immediately pushing a chair over to stand on. Eric has coined the term "watchtower" to describe her little observation deck. She could be completely engrossed in a different activity, but she'll drop everything for changing time.She likes to point out all of Ian's body parts while he's laying on the table. She'll point to his nose and shout, "Dat" (Translation: "What is that?"). "That's his nose," I'll reply. "Where's your nose?" And she'll point to her own nose. This continues until she's pointed out all the parts she knows. Dat! Ears. Dat! Head. Dat! Mouth. Dat! Bellybutton. And so on.

Towards the end of my pregnancy, I started to freak out a little bit about the prospect of caring for two babies under the age of two. I worried about giving each of them enough love and attention. I worried about compromising my relationship with Molly. Would I have enough time for her? Is she going to feel abandoned? How am I going to care for a newborn with such an active toddler? As usual, my worries were for nothing because things couldn't be going any better. 7 weeks in, I really feel that a younger sibling is one of the best gifts we've been able to give Molly. There's more than enough love to go around and now she has someone else to love on too. They entertain each other, learn from each other, and love one another. I couldn't ask for anything more.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sharp-Dressed Man

Now that we've burned through all of our newborn disposable diapers, and we're quickly using up the Size Ones, we figured it's about time to begin the adventure of cloth-diapering TWO babies! Mr. Ian made his cloth-diaper debut in a very sophisticated black Smartipants one-size pocket diaper. A friend commented that it looks like a tuxedo and I'd have to agree. I think that would make a great commercial for cloth-diapering---a bunch of adorable fluffy-bummed babies attending a black-tie (err, black-diaper) gala in tuxedo and sequinned diapers. Eric, on the other hand, calls this one the "Batman diaper" because super-heroes are far superior to tuxedo-clad gentlemen in his mind ;-) I already know that my little man is stinkin' adorable, but a fluffy cloth-diapered bum just adds to the cuteness factor. Wouldn't you agree? Ian sure looks awfully happy about it. I just can't get enough of this precious smile. Every time I see him smile, I fall in love all over again! And who wouldn't? I just can't resist my sharp-dressed man.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

"A Few of my Favorite Things"

Molly, like most other toddlers I know (especially oldests), loves to be a child of routine. She likes her wake-up, nap-time, and bed-time routines to be predictable. She sticks pretty resolutely to a limited rotating menu of boring (yet nutritious) meal choices. Despite her overflowing bookshelves, she chooses the same half-dozen or so books to be read over and over and over again. And her playtime tends to follow a fairly predictable pattern, with beloved toys being dragged out time and time again, while other remain untouched for weeks at a time. I suppose, like all of us, she enjoys a few of her "favorite things". Such as...

Playing outside. We've taken to spelling out "o-u-t-s-i-d-e" because if we say it aloud, Molly's standing at the door within seconds, pounding on the glass to go out. Just look how excited she is in this picture just to be outside in the freezing cold. Playing in the gravel driveway. If we're outside, that's the first thing she goes for. She could sit on the hard gravel forever just sifting the stones back and forth between her hands......and studying the details on the most "interesting" pieces of gravel. I guess what toddlers find "interesting" is relative.Beads--Beads--Beads! Because she's ALL girl, she loves to dress up. She received a big sister gift of a crown, tutu, and mardi gras beads when Ian was born. She and those beads have been inseparable ever since. She was willing to share one strand at a time with her cousin, Isaiah......but once he got his hands on two necklaces, she was itching to get them back. Look at that toddler grab! You can almost hear her little brain thinking, 'MINE! MINE! MINE!'

Her baby dolls. She's quite the little mommy to her dollies. She bottle-feeds them, burps them, and pushes them around in her shopping cart. Now that she's observed me mommy-ing Ian for the last month, I'm just waiting for her to start "nursing" her dollies too. In this picture, I think she's exhibiting some kind of wildlife nurturing behavior by carrying her baby under her chin. That, or she just wants both hands free to play with her beads and twirl in her tutu :-) Getting the mail. This is definitely one of her favorite daily activities and it's twice as fun when her cousin, Isaiah, is here to help. She loves mailboxes in general. This means our neighborhood walks have become a lot shorter and a lot slower because she wants to walk up and study every mailbox we walk past. Multi-tasking her play. She can play tunes on her music table, ride her pony, and love on her baby at the same time. Some day it will be prepare dinner, fold laundry, and love on her baby at the same time, just like Mommy. Clothes and Ian's swing. Any new clothing item that enters the house (regardless of whose it is) must be inspected and carried around the house for an hour or so. It is especially desirable if it's on a hanger and still has the price tag on it. Molly sat in this swing for all of 15 minutes during her colicky infancy and hated every one of those 15 minutes. But now that the swing belongs to Ian and is technically "off-limits", it is the most desired seat in the house.

Ian's soft head. Anytime Ian is in her vicinity, Molly MUST rub her cheeks on his soft, silky head. We've learned not to put hats on him if Molly's around because they get ripped off immediatly in order to uncover the softness. It is the most heart-melting thing in the world to see her rub her lips and cheeks all over his head. Her little brother. It's not just the softness that she loves. Molly really and truly loves her little brother. I just love to watch them together! I worried that she would be jealous or unaccepting of a new baby, but she has been sweet to him from the moment they met. Of course there have been a few moments of sibling rivalry, which I'm sure there will be much more of in the years to come, but Ian has definitely become one of her new favorite things.