Now that we've burned through all of our newborn disposable diapers, and we're quickly using up the Size Ones, we figured it's about time to begin the adventure of cloth-diapering TWO babies! Mr. Ian made his cloth-diaper debut in a very sophisticated black Smartipants one-size pocket diaper. A friend commented that it looks like a tuxedo and I'd have to agree. I think that would make a great commercial for cloth-diapering---a bunch of adorable fluffy-bummed babies attending a black-tie (err, black-diaper) gala in tuxedo and sequinned diapers. Eric, on the other hand, calls this one the "Batman diaper" because super-heroes are far superior to tuxedo-clad gentlemen in his mind ;-)

I already know that my little man is stinkin' adorable, but a fluffy cloth-diapered bum just adds to the cuteness factor. Wouldn't you agree?

Ian sure looks awfully happy about it. I just can't get enough of this precious smile. Every time I see him smile, I fall in love all over again! And who wouldn't? I just can't resist my sharp-dressed man.
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