To say that Molly loves being a big sister is a bit of an understatement. She adores her baby brother and showers him with kisses all day long. I'm starting to get a bit jealous. She never offers kisses to me or Eric. If she's leaving one of us for naptime or a trip to the store, she offers a quick bye-bye wave and off she goes, but Ian gets the royal treatment of kiss after kiss, gentle pats on the head, and endless conversations in her "Molly language".
Molly now thinks that, "Let's take a walk" means "Molly gets to push Ian in the stroller." She obviously can't reach the handle, so she pushes him around backwards. We don't get very far, but that's okay. Ian's entertained and as long as I stay nice and close to prevent any spills, no one get's hurt, and Molly feels like a super awesome big sister.
She even invited him in on some swing action, her absolute favorite outdoor activity. (Don't worry--he didn't actually swing with her and I kept a firm hand on him while Daddy snapped the photo ;-)
Molly doesn't quite understand that Ian can't do all the same things she does. You can tell that she really wants him to join in on her daily activities. The other day I discovered her snack cup of goldfish in his seat with him.
And then I saw that she just wanted to share with him. Too cute!
She also doesn't quite get that Ian isn't big enough to play with her, but that doesn't stop her from trying! While I was preparing dinner, I looked over to see Ian's swing filled with Molly's toys...AND Ian. She just wanted to make sure that he was thoroughly entertained. Ian could care less about dolls and stuffed animals, but I'm sure listening to his big sister jabber on about her toys while piling them all around him is plenty entertaining.
Where's Ian??? This reminds me of that scene in E.T. where he's hiding in the closet with all the stuffed animals. The little toes sticking up at the bottom just crack me up :-D
One of Molly's absolute FAVORITE things to do is to help change Ian. As soon as I lay him on the changing table, she's immediately pushing a chair over to stand on. Eric has coined the term "watchtower" to describe her little observation deck. She could be completely engrossed in a different activity, but she'll drop everything for changing time.
She likes to point out all of Ian's body parts while he's laying on the table. She'll point to his nose and shout, "Dat" (Translation: "What is that?"). "That's his nose," I'll reply. "Where's your nose?" And she'll point to her own nose. This continues until she's pointed out all the parts she knows. Dat! Ears. Dat! Head. Dat! Mouth. Dat! Bellybutton. And so on.
Towards the end of my pregnancy, I started to freak out a little bit about the prospect of caring for two babies under the age of two. I worried about giving each of them enough love and attention. I worried about compromising my relationship with Molly. Would I have enough time for her? Is she going to feel abandoned? How am I going to care for a newborn with such an active toddler? As usual, my worries were for nothing because things couldn't be going any better. 7 weeks in, I really feel that a younger sibling is one of the best gifts we've been able to give Molly. There's more than enough love to go around and now she has someone else to love on too. They entertain each other, learn from each other, and love one another. I couldn't ask for anything more.
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